Like......haha, I think it might be more productive to watch paint dry. So I hammered this out when I got back home and had a chance to think about it. Now we can change the design all day, every day and it'd easy peasy!
The screen shot pretty much says all about the features. One thing I will say however, is that after Face_Hugster, my new philosophy towards making tools is.......One button solution is BEST! Three buttons if you MUST (but one of the three should be the exit button!)
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
import math
import re
from string import Template, zfill
from functools import partial
class Find_Out():
multipurpose class for finding length of anything. Well, work in progress
def edge_length(self, vertex_list):
#find distance between two points. numpy required. need to rework this so numpy not required
this is numpy version. reuse for machines with numpy for quicker calculations:
vtx_p_array_a = np.array([[vtx_p[0]], [vtx_p[1]], [vtx_p[2]]])
vtx_p_array_b = np.array([[vtx_p[3]], [vtx_p[4]], [vtx_p[5]]])
dist = np.linalg.norm(vtx_p_array_a-vtx_p_array_b)
dist = math.sqrt((vtx_p[3] - vtx_p[0])**2 + (vtx_p[4] - vtx_p[1])**2 + (vtx_p[5] - vtx_p[2])**2)
return dist
def curve_length(self, curve_sel):
#find length of curve
find_curve_length = cmds.arclen(curve_sel)
return find_curve_length
class Chain_Constrain():
def __init__(self, curve_sel, vertex_list, chain_geo):
self.curve_sel = curve_sel
self.verts = vertex_list
self.chain_geo = chain_geo
self.find_length = Find_Out()
self.link_length = self.find_length.edge_length(self.verts)
self.chain_length = self.find_length.curve_length(self.curve_sel)
self.link_total = int(self.chain_length/self.link_length)
self.motion_path_name = str(self.chain_geo) + '_Path'
cmds.pathAnimation(self.chain_geo, name = self.motion_path_name, fractionMode = True, follow= True, followAxis = 'x',
upAxis = 'y', worldUpType = 'object', startTimeU = 1, endTimeU = self.link_total, c = self.curve_sel)
cmds.setKeyframe(self.motion_path_name + '.frontTwist', v = 0.0, t = 1 )
cmds.setKeyframe(self.motion_path_name + '.frontTwist', v = 60.0*self.link_total, t = self.link_total )
cmds.keyTangent(self.motion_path_name + '.uValue', itt = 'linear', ott = 'linear' )
cmds.keyTangent(self.motion_path_name + '.frontTwist', itt = 'linear', ott = 'linear')
cmds.snapshot( self.chain_geo, constructionHistory=True, startTime=1, endTime = self.link_total, increment=1, update = 'animCurve',
name = str(self.chain_geo) + '_snapShot' )
self.chain_group = em=True, name=str(self.chain_geo) + '_geo_grp' )
self.chain_list = cmds.listRelatives(str(self.chain_geo + '_snapShotGroup'))
for dummy_geo in self.chain_list:
cmds.delete(icn = True, ch = True)
cmds.parent(dummy_geo, self.chain_group)
class Spline_Rig_Chain():
def __init__(self, curve_sel, vertex_list):
self.curve_sel = curve_sel
self.verts = vertex_list
self.find_length = Find_Out()
self.link_length = self.find_length.edge_length(self.verts)
self.chain_length = self.find_length.curve_length(self.curve_sel)
self.link_total = int(self.chain_length/self.link_length)
cmds.duplicate(self.curve_sel, n = 'buildCurve')
cmds.rebuildCurve('buildCurve', ch = 1, rpo = 1, rt = 0, end = 1, kr = 2, kep = 1, kt = 0, kcp = 0, s = self.link_total/2, d = 3, tol = 0.01 )
self.num_cv = int(cmds.getAttr (''))+ (cmds.getAttr ('buildCurve.spans'))
for dummy_cv in range(self.num_cv):
dummy_cv_pos = (cmds.getAttr ('['+ str(dummy_cv) +']'))
if dummy_cv == 0:
cmds.joint(n=self.curve_sel+'_jointRoot',p = dummy_cv_pos[0])
elif dummy_cv == self.num_cv - 1:
cmds.joint(n=self.curve_sel+'_jointEnd', p = dummy_cv_pos[0])
cmds.joint(n=self.curve_sel+'_joint_'+(str(dummy_cv)),p = dummy_cv_pos[0])
cmds.ikHandle( sj = (self.curve_sel+'_jointRoot'), ee = (self.curve_sel+'_jointEnd'), c = self.curve_sel,
sol = 'ikSplineSolver', scv = 0, pcv = 0, ccv = 0, ns = 4)
class Chain_Maker_UI():
def __init__(self):
window = cmds.window( title="Chain Maker", iconName='ChnMk', widthHeight=(300, 100) )
cmds.columnLayout( adjustableColumn=True )
cmds.separator( style='single' )
self.curve_sel_name = cmds.textFieldGrp( label = 'Curve Selection' )
cmds.separator( style='single' )
cmds.button( label='Run', command=partial(self.run_command, 1) )
cmds.separator( style='single' )
cmds.button( label='Exit', command=('cmds.deleteUI(\"' + window + '\", window=True)') )
cmds.setParent( '..' )
cmds.showWindow( window )
def curve_name(self, *args):
self.curve_sel = cmds.textFieldGrp(self.curve_sel_name, query=True, text=True)
return self.curve_sel
def run_command(self, *args):
curve_sel = self.curve_name()
vert_sel_list =, fl = True)
if '.' in vert_sel_list[0]:
dummy_item_index = vert_sel_list[0].index('.')
self.geo_name = vert_sel_list[0][0:dummy_item_index]
Chain_Constrain(curve_sel, vert_sel_list, self.geo_name)
Spline_Rig_Chain(curve_sel, vert_sel_list)
self.chain_list = cmds.listRelatives(str(self.geo_name + '_geo_grp'))
joint_list = = 'joint')
for dummy_geo in self.chain_list:, add = True)
for dummy_joint in joint_list:
if 'ikHandle' in dummy_joint:
elif curve_sel in dummy_joint:, add=True)'ikHandle*', d = True)
mel.eval('newBindSkin " -byClosestPoint -toSkeleton";')
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